Top Tips for CAE 1.0

Top Tips for CAE 1.0

An essential part in the revision for the Certificate in Advanced English exam
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Cambridge ESOL
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Top Tips for CAE is an essential part of your revision for the Certificate in Advanced English (CAE) exam from Cambridge ESOL. Each of the five main chapters (Reading, Writing, Use of English, Listening and Speaking) follows the same structure and is based on a series of pieces of advice (the "tips") which examiners have collected from many years' experience of setting and marking CAE papers.
The CD-ROM contains:
* a complete real CAE exam paper for candidates to try (incl. recordings for the Listening paper) so that they know what to expect when taking the exam
* answers and sample answers for the Writing Paper so that candidates can check their performance
* a video of a Speaking test showing real students to give candidates a clear idea of what they have to do when taking the test



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